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manual - FlySafe

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FlySafe! is a flight obstacle detection app. With a constantly updated database, it identifies obstacles and, based on its speed, activates an audible and visual alarm.

Navigation data (latitude, longitude, altitude and ground speed) are displayed in the upper part; in the lower part there are useful data on obstacles (GPS accuracy, heading, Impact Time).

The central part is occupied by the map, 7 icons and an image of a traffic light.

Starting from the top, the 7 icons have the function of: view this manual, privacy, information about the app, remove navigation information and obstacles, change map type, share position, change central navigation icon.

Traffic light and its operation: the traffic light lights are activated based on the time of impact on an obstacle. The green light turns on when you are between 30 and 21 seconds from the obstacle. The yellow light between 20 and 16 seconds and the red light at 15 seconds. Added to this is an audible alarm, different for each colored light.

Obstacle database

The obstacle database is downloaded from a server based on location. The files are simple KML files composed as follows:

     <description>Unknown Point Feature</description>


FlySafe! was designed to use these files even in the absence of connections, allowing the use of the app in any condition.
To take advantage of this possibility, a "Obstacles" folder must be created in which to insert the obstacle files.
These files have a code for each zone. For information on creating these files for exclusively private use, contact me at:


The obstacle databases are constantly updated to offer you ever greater safety.
Unfortunately, the availability of data and the continuous evolution of the territory can make updates difficult. I invite all users to help increase flight safety by helping themselves and others. You can send your reports to

32100 Belluno (Italy)
+39 3475911672
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