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About Us - FlySafe

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About Us
Nothing is impossible!
In FlySafe! we are completely convinced of this.
FlySafe! was founded in 2015 by Daniele Tona, software developer and GIS technician. FlySafe!'s vision, from its earliest days, has been to emerge as one of the most respected names in flight safety software development. To this end, the main focus has been an investment in advanced technologies.
We understand that technology by itself is not an engine of change. Unless coupled with and subject to evolving business needs, technology tends to get more in the way of becoming an asset. FlySafe!, our flagship software, was created with the overall goal of safeguarding life.
Our clients aren't just people who invest in our talent and vision; we see them more as partners in our mutual growth. The goal of each project, correspondingly, is to understand each other's capabilities and needs, in order to create better long-term relationships. Find out more about how we can help you redefine the future.
"Find out more about how we can help you redefine the future."
Our core team includes the following people:

Daniele Tona
Daniele is the founder of FLY SAFETY. With over 30 years of experience in software development and project management, Daniele has seen the market evolve over the years and has leveraged his international experience to ensure that FlySafe! stay on the growth path that he helped to conceptualize and formulate.

Maria Biksha
Maria, co-founder of FlySafe!, is responsible for the direction the team needs to go if we want to remain competitive. Combining strategy with sales, Maria was instrumental in securing contracts that made the best use of our capabilities, allowing us to grow in areas that would further add to our core competencies.
32100 Belluno (Italy)
+39 3475911672
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